Research projects and networks

CTS researchers lead and participate in a number of externally funded research projects and networks.

Automating Welfare: Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe

2022-2025, co-PI: Stine Lomborg
Funded by CHANSE

Datafied Living

2020-2025, PI: Stine Lomborg
Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark and the European Research Council

EnTrust – Enlightened Trust in Governance (in Danish)

2020-2024, contact: Postdoc Anne Brus
Funded by Horizon 2020

Finansiel Ungdomskultur

2023-2024, contact Jacob Ørmen
Funded by Queen Mary’s Centre

Follow Me: The Influence of Danish Digital Media Creators (FoMe)

Contact: PI Bjarki Valtýsson
Funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark

Gamblified game mechanics in Danish children and young people’s gaming

2024-2025, Contact: PI Anne Mette Thorhauge
Funded by Dansk Ludomani Komité

Privacy Lost

2020-2024, PI: Rasmus Helles
Funded by the Villum Foundation and Data+ at UCPH

Ruling through Division: Categorizing People and Resources in Contemporary China

2021-2024, co-PI: Jun Liu
Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark

To Use or Not to Use? A Relational Approach to Information and Communication Technologies as Repertoire of Contention

2021-2024, PI: Jun Liu
Sapere Aude Starting Grant funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Completed research projects

Automated Decision-Making: Nordic Perspectives

2020-2022, PI: Stine Lomborg
Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Content Moderation Assemblages: Filtering Glocal Communities (FILTER)

2021-2022, PI: Jun Liu
Funded by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science

Nordic Network for Media and Communication Ethics

2021-2022, co-PI: Klaus Bruhn Jensen
Funded by the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS)

NOS-HS exploratory network on Esports in the Nordics

2021-2023, PI: Anne Mette Thorhauge
Funding: NOS-HS exploratory networks

Personalizing the Professional

2018-2022, PI: Stine Lomborg
Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Platform Intelligence in News

2020-2023, co-PI: Stine Lomborg
Funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark

ProDem - Protest and Democratic Quality

2020-2023, PI: Christina Neumayer
Funded by Volkswagen Stiftung