CTS organizes workshops, seminars, and conferences with academic and industry collaborators.
14 June 2024: Tenure Track Assistant Professor Signe Sophus Lai participated in a panel the 2024 Folkemødet during the event “Controlling digital infrastructures in Denmark – Big Tech and the welfare state”, focusing on the market for critical digital infrastructure and the companies that own and control vast parts of it.
13 March 2024: Members from CTS presented at the workshop “Hvilken indflydelse har tech-giganterne på det danske demokrati?”, arranged by the Danish Democracy and Power Study 2.0 – a research project established by the Danish Parliament to ensure the viability and legitimacy of Danish democracy.
27 May 2024: Keynote speech by Professor Guobin Yang “The Performativity of Faking (and Fakes) on Social Media”. The event was funded by the DFF-networking project “Ruling through Division: Categorizing People and Resources in Contemporary China”
28 May 2024: Keynote speech by Professor Jayson Harsin “Research and Political Implications of the Dis-/misinformation Concept”. The event was funded by the DFF-networking project “Ruling through Division: Categorizing People and Resources in Contemporary China” and The Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting Grant “To Use or Not to Use? A Relational Approach to ICTs as Repertoire of Contention”
30 May 2024: HUM:Global Talk! by Professor Guobin Yang “The Fictionalization of People in Cyberspace: A Character Study”. The event was part of the HUM:Global Talk! series and funded by Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting Grant "To Use or Not to Use? A Relational Approach to ICTs as Repertoire of Contention".
16-17 March 2023: Research Network event on Data flows and infrastructures: The shifting ecology of media distribution in the platform era. Organized by Helle Sjøvaag (University of Stavanger), Raul Ferrer Conill (University of Stavanger and Karlstad University) and Sofie Flensburg (University of Copenhagen).
8 May 2023: CTS+AI, Media & Democracy Lab Workshop. The workshop involved members of the AI, Media & Democracy Lab (AIMD), Center for Tracking and Society (CTS), and associates to the Platform Intelligence in News project (PIN).
8-10 May 2023: Technology in Movement, Movement in Technology: International conference and PhD course co-organized by the Independent Research Fund Denmark - Sapere Aude Starting Grant Project “To Use or Not to Use? A Relational Approach to ICTs as Repertoire of Contention”, the ECREA Communication & Democracy Section, and The Center on Digital Culture and Society, Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.
1-2 June 2023: Who do you think you are? The ethics of self-presentation across digital contexts. Workshop in a series under the Nordic Network for Media and Communication Ethics, funded by NOS-HS,
16 November 2023: Exploring the promises, perils, and politics of synthetic data: This seminar offers an opportunity to discuss the risks, possibilities and promises of synthetic data, especially in the domain of medical AI. We seek to discuss what is the state of the art in synthetic data currently as well as what critical, legal, and ethical issues these techniques may encounter. This interdisciplinary event seeks to bring together scholars from across disciplines united in their interest in the Medical AI domain.
4 December 2023: Empirical approaches to infrastructures for datafication (workshop).
5 December 2023: Digital Methods in Social Media Research: A Workshop on Potentials and Limitations. Discussion of the challenges and opportunities of studying digital platforms as socio-technical systems. The first part of the session will focus on the potential and limitations of using digital methods for social media research. The second part of the session will focus on YouTube as an object of research.
6 December 2023: Public talk: Ariadna Matamoros-Fernández (QUT) “Acting like a bot as a defiance of platform power”.
The talk discusses ‘bot like’ behaviour on social media and conceptualises it as a defiance of platform power in delimiting the boundaries of ‘authenticity’.
In 2022, we hosted or co-organized the following events in Copenhagen and around the world:
18 October 2022: Datafied Welfare State: ECREA pre-conference co-organized with the Communication & Democracy division of ECREA.
29-30 August 2022: Reframing ADM: Concepts, Values, Alternatives.
25-26 August 2022: ADM for human flourishing. closing conference of the ADM Nordic perspectives interdisciplinary research network.
8 June 2022: "Computational Methods in Communication Research: A contextual turn?" Preconference for The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2022 (a hybrid conference with local participants at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou).
26 May 2022: Digital Disconnection Studies Beyond Borders Cross-Disciplinary, And Cross-National Perspectives. Preconference for ICA, Paris.
24 May 2022: Talk: Beyond the Peak of Mobilization: Understanding Movement Continuity in Hong Kong, 2014 to 2022.
23 May 2022: Talk: The Role of Digital Media in Large-Scale Protests in Hong Kong.
18-20 May 2022: "Categories, Digital Reconfiguration and Mobility in China”. International conference.
23 March 2022: ChinaTalks lecture: Social Media and Civic Engagement during the Wuhan Lockdown.
22-23 March 2022: ’Esports, participatory culture and civil society’. Workshop of the Nordic esports network.
27-28 January 2022: Everyday ADM: Maintaining Autonomy, Equity and Pursuits of Welfare. 2nd Workshop of the ADM Nordic perspectives interdisciplinary research network.