Center for Tracking and Society (CTS) is an interdisciplinary research hub that develops and consolidates emerging interdisciplinary and empirical digital-tracking research.

Digital tracking is a widespread practice that has become integral to many digital systems. It denotes the collection, organization, quantification and analysis of big datasets and multiple data types. Such data is amassed and purposed for knowledge production, economic value creation, public administration and other social activities. At the same time, digital tracking of individuals raises questions and dilemmas regarding human existence, identity and the good life.

CTS advances research on the interplay between digital tracking, existing social structures and the various actors that form future society. The interdisciplinary work at CTS spans media and communication, computer science, surveillance, political economy and critical data studies.

CTS was established by Stine Lomborg and Rasmus Helles and combined forces of some externally funded research projects based at COMM. It is directed by Professor Stine Lomborg.